= $AuthLevel_BoardTop) { $TeamYear = $Year; //header("Content-type: application/text"); //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=AsaSeasonRoster.txt"); // Connect to Asset database include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/inc/sql_connect.php"); //$SeasonSearch = $TeamYear."R%"; $SeasonSearch = $TeamYear."B%"; // Create SQL statement $sql = "SELECT Positions.*, People.*, PositionTypes.*, Groups.*, PeopleExt.* FROM Positions, PositionTypes, Groups, People LEFT JOIN PeopleExt ON People.PeopleID = PeopleExt.PID WHERE Positions.GroupID LIKE '$SeasonSearch' AND Positions.PositionID = PositionTypes.PositionID AND Groups.GroupID = Positions.GroupID AND Positions.PeopleID = People.PeopleID AND PositionTypes.AsaGroupType = 'B' ORDER BY LastName ASC, FirstName ASC, Groups.GroupID DESC, PositionTypes.PositionOrder DESC"; // Execute Query include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/inc/sql_execute.php"); $Eol = "\n"; if ($Format != "Print") { $TableStart = ""; $TableEnd = ""; $RowStart = ""; $RowEnd = ";/n"; $Delim = ";"; } ELSE { $TableStart = ""; $TableEnd = "
"; $RowStart = ""; $RowEnd = ""; $Delim = ""; } $numrows = mysql_numrows($sql_result); $PeopleIDCurrent = ""; $LineCount = 0; //echo "Level = $ses_AuthLevel $Eol"; //echo "$numrows total position responses $Eol"; echo $TableStart; echo $RowStart."ASA#".$Delim."LastName".$Delim."FirstName".$Delim."MiddleName".$Delim."Suffix".$Delim."Address".$Delim."City".$Delim."State".$Delim."Zip".$Delim."Phone".$Delim."Sex".$Delim."DOB".$Delim."Email".$Delim."DL".$Delim."DLSt".$Delim."DLExp".$Delim."PeopleID".$Delim."TeamID".$Delim."Date".$RowEnd; unset($PeopleIDTmp); // Format results by row while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) { unset($MemberType); $GroupID = $row["GroupID"]; $PositionID = $row["PositionID"]; $AsaMemberID = $row["AsaMemberID"]; $AsaGroupType = $row["AsaGroupType"]; $PeopleID = $row["PeopleID"]; $LastName = $row["LastName"]; $FirstName = $row["FirstName"]; $MiddleName = $row["MiddleName"]; if ($MiddleName == "~") { // MI not required, but may use if known. Tilde "~" is used in our DB for NONE $MiddleName = "NONE"; } ELSEIF ($MiddleName == "") { $MiddleName = "MISSING"; } $NameSuffix = $row["NameSuffix"]; $PeopleDLID = $row["PeopleDLID"]; if (!$PeopleDLID) { $PeopleDLID = "MISSING"; } $PeopleDLST = $row["PeopleDLST"]; if (!$PeopleDLST) { $PeopleDLST = "MISSING"; } unset($DLExpDateDsp); unset($DLExpYear); unset($DLExpMonth); unset($DLExpDay); unset($DLExpMonth1st); unset($PeopleDLExpDateString); if (!$PeopleDLID || $PeopleDLID == "MISSING") { $DLExpDateDsp = "MISSING"; } else { $PeopleDLExp = $row["PeopleDLExp"]; $PeopleDLExpDateString = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $PeopleDLExp); $PeopleDLExp = explode("-", "$PeopleDLExp"); $DLExpYear = $PeopleDLExp[0]; $DLExpMonth = $PeopleDLExp[1]; $DLExpMonth1st = substr("$DLExpMonth", 0, 1); if ($DLExpMonth1st < 1) { $DLExpMonth = substr("$DLExpMonth", 1, 1); } $DLExpDay = $PeopleDLExp[2]; $PeopleDLExp = $DLExpYear.$DLExpMonth.$DLExpDay; $DLExpDateDsp = $DLExpMonth."/".$DLExpDay."/".$DLExpYear; /* if ($SanDateStamp < $PeopleDLExpDateString) { $DLExpDateDsp = $DLExpMonth."/".$DLExpDay."/".$DLExpYear; } else { $DLExpDateDsp = "EXPIRED"; } */ } unset($Addr); $Street = $row["Street"]; $Street2 = $row["Street2"]; if ($Street) {$Addr = $Street;} if ($Street2) {$Addr .= " - ".$Street2;} unset($PostCodePlus4); unset($PostCode5); $City = $row["City"]; if (!$City) { $City = "MISSING"; } $State = $row["State"]; if (!$State) { $State = "MISSING"; } $PostalCode = $row["PostalCode"]; $PostalCode5 = substr("$PostalCode", 0, 5); $PostalCodePlus4 = substr("$PostalCode", 5, 4); $PostalCode = $PostalCode5; // ASA only wants first 5 if (!$PostalCode) { $PostalCode = "MISSING"; } $Gender = $row["Gender"]; if (!$Gender) { $Gender = "MISSING"; } unset($Phone1AC); unset($Phone1Prefix); unset($Phone1Suffix); unset($Phone1Ext); unset($Phone1Dsp); $Phone1 = $row["Phone1"]; $Phone1AC = substr("$Phone1", 0, 3); $Phone1Prefix = substr("$Phone1", 3, 3); $Phone1Suffix = substr("$Phone1", 6, 4); $Phone1Ext = substr("$Phone1", 10, 10); if ($Phone1) { $Phone1Dsp = "(".$Phone1AC.") ".$Phone1Prefix."-".$Phone1Suffix; } if (!$Phone1) { $Phone1 = "MISSING"; } unset($BirthDsp); unset($BirthYear); unset($BirthMonth); unset($BirthDay); unset($BirthMonth1st); $BirthDate = $row["BirthDate"]; $BirthDate = explode("-", "$BirthDate"); $BirthYear = $BirthDate[0]; $BirthMonth = $BirthDate[1]; $BirthMonth1st = substr("$BirthMonth", 0, 1); if ($BirthMonth1st < 1) { $BirthMonth = substr("$BirthMonth", 1, 1); } $BirthDay = $BirthDate[2]; if ($BirthYear > "0000") { $BirthDsp = $BirthMonth."/".$BirthDay."/".$BirthYear; } else { $BirthDsp = "MISSING"; } unset($Mismatch); if($BirthMonth.$BirthDay != $DLExpMonth.$DLExpDay) { if($PeopleID != "4531"){ // Special License Exception for Nettles $Mismatch = "BAD"; } } $EMailName = $row["EMailName"]; if (!$EMailName) { $EMailName = "MISSING"; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BEGIN PRINT AREA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * if ($PeopleID != "910") { // Exclude Volunteer Needed if ($PeopleIDTmp != $PeopleID) { $PeopleIDTmp = $PeopleID; echo $RowStart."$AsaMemberID".$Delim."$LastName".$Delim."$FirstName".$Delim."$MiddleName".$Delim."$NameSuffix".$Delim."$Addr".$Delim."$City".$Delim."$State".$Delim."$PostalCode".$Delim."$Phone1Dsp".$Delim."$Gender".$Delim."$BirthDsp".$Delim."$EMailName".$Delim."$PeopleDLID".$Delim."$PeopleDLST".$Delim."$DLExpDateDsp".$Delim."$PeopleID".$Delim."$GroupID".$Delim."$Mismatch".$RowEnd; } } } echo $TableEnd; include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/inc/sql_close.php"); exit; } ELSE { echo "Only Board of Directors and above may view this file."; } ?>